Molcas@UU license terms

MOLCAS is a general purpose software package for electronic structure calculations with special emphasis on correlated wavefunctions. MOLCAS contains programs and documentation written by several authors (see

The authors of MOLCAS reserve the copyright and all other property rights on this material. Permission is hereby granted to use MOLCAS subject to the terms set below:

  1. The use is restricted to non-commercial research and educational purposes only.
  2. The user may make copies of the material as are reasonably required for the user’s own working and back-up purposes. The copies will then become subject to these conditions.
  3. The present license covers only the user’s research group.
  4. No part of this material may be redistributed without the specific written permission of the authors of MOLCAS.
  5. The material enclosed is supplied without any warranty of any kind. The authors of MOLCAS, therefore, assume no responsibility of any kind arising from the use of the material.
  6. The MOLCAS@UU binaries distributed in this site are provided with no maintenance and no support. Support requests will likely be silently ignored.


MolGUI is a graphical user interface tool to create input, submit and monitor jobs, and view output of MOLCAS projects. It is subject to the same terms as Molcas@UU.

The MolGUI files distributed in this site include MOPAC2012 binary and password. MOPAC2012 is maintained by James Stewart, and it is free for academic users (see